Making toys on the verandah of the Malambo Centre near Monze.

We have worked with a number of different women’s cooperatives and entrepreneurs over the years. Sometimes we provide skills training, mentorship, and facilitation. Other times, an entrepreneur will approach us with their idea for a business and we will help them start out with a micro loan.

Omega, the head seamstress for the Malambo Women’s Club, pieces together a quilt with other seamstresses.

The Malambo Women’s Club and Lusumpuko Women are now self-directed, self-sustaining projects. They sell their products at a monthly craft market in Lusaka.

Other income-generating projects have included a commercial chicken business, a rug hooking group, beaded art groups, and a papier mâché craft business, Sunford and Co.

Sunford displays two of his papier mâché pots